Where are the other letters of Capitaine Brinon ?

Saint Louis Senegal, 26th of December 1941,
an Officer of the Foreign Legion wrote to his wife far away in Nice France:

“Christmas past well. Each Legionnaire received his part.
All of them got a bottle of wine which is very difficult to get here.
At the company we set up a Christmas tree…”

The officer is Capitaine BRINON [ Roger Louis ?] serving with the 4e Demi Brigade de Légion Étrangere.
This small unit was founded only 4 months earlier and arrived in Saint Louis the 2nd of September 1941.
As another officer serving in it, named Jean HALLO, later wrote, little has been written about this unit by historians.
That’s why the letters of Capitaine Brinon are historical of interest.
The detailed accounts given in his letters provide a unique impression of the daily life of this “forgotten” unit.

From Saint Louis Senegal to
Villa la Javanaise
Route du Bois de Cythere
Le Grand Piol
NICE (Alps Mmes)

2003 – 2024 Appeal

The first time I came accros the letters of Capitaine Brinon was in 2003 when several of his letters and/or letter covers were offered for sale on E-bay.
Unfortunately at the time I only managed to get hold of two of them.
I noticed that more correspondence of Capitaine Brinon was sold in that year.
As often when historical documents reach the market, they are separated and thus put out of context.
These letters present more than interesting collector items but are true pieces of little know history.
I therefore in 2003 put an appeal on my earlier website to reach those who also have documents from Capitaine Brinon. I wanted to bring them back together, at least in electronic format.
I wrote at the time:

I would be very happy if you could send me an electronic scan of your documents.
In return I will send you scans of the letters I hold.

If I recall correctly I received one responds but a nice one from a French collector who owned several letters of Brinon.

Last week 12-08-2024 I was reminded of this action, when I found a cover of a letter of Brinon on the website of Delcampe.
Still after all these years I would still be interrested to reveice scans of documents from Brinon.

As per Foreign Legion Info Roger Brinon, served as captain with the 4e DBLE in Senegal in 1941-43 and with the RMLE in France in 1944-45. After the Second World War he was in the rank of major the commander of 4th Battalion of the 4th Foreign Infantry Regiment in Madagascar.

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