Achternaam | Voornamen | Geboorte datum | Naam vader | Naam moeder |
Laurent | Edouard | 12-11-1882, Penang Nederlands Indië | [-], [-] | [-], [-] |
Legioen periode: 1914 - 1917
No Matricule | Engage | Libere | Libere Plaats | ||
21108 | 1914 | [-] | Marseille / Frankrijk | 17-04-1917 / Mort pour la France (Tué à l'ennemi) | secteur d'Aubérive / Frankrijk |
Gesneuveld, 17 april 1917
Op 17 april 1917 sneuvelde sergent-fourrier Edouard Laurent van het Regiment de Marche du de la Legion etrangere in de sector d’Aubérive
In het artikel “ONE OF THE FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION’S FINEST – A KIWI” werd die dag als volgt omschreven:
(17 april 1917)
In early 1917, General Robert Nivelle commenced planning an offensive on a narrow front centred on Chemin des Dames west of Reims along the Ainse River. The planning for that offensive included a major feint attack to be carried out by the Moroccan Division between Suippes and Mont du Charmes.
The RMLE formed the right wing of the Moroccan Division. Battalion Sampigny was given responsibility for leading the frontal attack with Battalion Deville executing a folding operation between Golfe and Auberive and Waddell’s battalion in reserve.
The terrain the battalions were expect cover was similar to that found at Belloyen-Santerre – unfavorable to the attacker. The western border consisted of a pine wood while the east was completely denuded. No movement could be executed without being seen. Facing the RMLE were elements of a German Uhlan Division whose “defense was organized to perfection.” To make matters worse rain fell continuously for two days making the attack routes “stagnant cesspools of sticky mud.”
On 17 April 1917 the attack began before dawn. From the beginning of the action, violent machine-gun fire slowed the progress of the Battalions. Early on in the action the Commander of the Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Duriez was mortally wounded. He was immediately replaced by Commandant Deville.
Progress was slow and achieved only by the battalions forming into small groups to avoid the enfilading fire and clearing the trenches with grenades and at the point of the bayonet. Waddell’s battalion was committed to the action at midday.
He moved his battalion along the edge of the pine wood and by evening occupied the trench complex known as the Constantinople, located on the southern side of the wood.
At night, the battalions were re-organized, facing east. The losses during the day were significant with six officers and 82 NCOs and Legionnaires killed and a further seven officers and 257 NCOs and legionnaires injured.
The nights of 17 and 18 April were cold and rainy. The Legionnaires in Waddell’s battalion established themselves deep in the trenches to shelter from a German artillery bombardment.
Bij het rekruteringsdepot in Marseille waar hij zich in 1914 als vrijwilliger voor de duur van de oorlog had gemeld werd hij ingeschreven onder nummer 1293.
In het Franse Vreemdelingenlegioen was zijn Numero Matricule 21108 E.V. 1914.
Op het formulier voor gesneuvelden en vermisten, staat genoteerd dat Edouard Achille Laurent geboren was op 12 november 1882 te Penang, Département: Strait Settlement Indes Neerlandaises.
Tot nu toe leverde verder onderzoek in zowel Franse als Nederlandse archieven naar Edouard Laurent geen aanvullende informatie op.
Edouard Achille LAURENT
Mort pour la France le 17-04-1917 (Aubérive, 51 – Marne, France)
Né(e) le/en 12-11-1882 à Penang (Malaisie)
Grade sergent fourrier
Unité régiment de marche de la Légion étrangère (RMLE)
Classe 1914
Bureau de recrutement Marseille (13)
Matricule au recrutement 1293
Date de transcription du décès 05-09-1921
Lieu de transcription du décès Paris 1er arrondissement (75 – Paris (ex Seine), France)
Legioen eenheden: 1914 - 1917
Van | Tot | Regiment | Bataljon | Compagnie | Plaats | Land |
Legioen onderscheidingen
Onderscheidingen | Datum Uitreiking |
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