1916, 4 December, The New York herald, American Volunteers

Following news article titled “Response Made to Herald ” Appeal on Behalf of American Volunteers” appeared on the 4th of December 1916 in the New York herald.
It was illustrated with a photograph of six American Volunteers who served in the French Foreign Legion.
The history of the American Volunteers is well documented and as such the men on this photograph can be easily identified.
Somewhat curious is the date when this article appeared. Most of the men shown did at that time no longer serve in the French Foreign Legion but had become pilots. Even more interesting is coporal E. Morlac, most likely Edward MORLEA in the beginning of 1916 had deserted from the Legion and had travelled back to the United States.
There he published stories about his live in the Legion which however were very much criticised.

CRITICISE ACCOUNT OF FOREIGN LEGION; American Members in France Call Story Told in The Atlantic Monthly “Garbled.” WRITER IS EDWARD MORLAE He Was Wounded in the Champagne Struggle and Is Now in This Country.

THE NEW YORK TIMES. March 14, 1916


Gifts Begin to Arrive for America’s Gallant Sons
Fighting with the Allies.

The above illustration shows in their fighting kit some of America’s sons who volunteered for service with the Allies and are now incorporated with the Foreign Legion, and fighting in the trenches. On Wednesday the Herald published a letter from Corporal Morlac, another member of the contingent, in which he said that the men were sadly in need of various articles, such as sweaters, woollen helmets, warm gloves, cigarettes, tobacco, chocolate, etc. Though well able to pay for anything, prevailing conditions make it impossible to buy even a match. The Herald is pleased to voice the appeal of these men, nearly all of whom have made considerable personal sacrifice to take up arms in the ranks of the Allies, and contributions of the above nature are urgently requested.
Gifts, which should be carefully packed, should be sent to the headquarters of the American Volunteer Corps, 11 rue de Valois, or to

Corporal E. Morlac, 2e Regt, Etranger, Batt. C, 1ere Cie., 3e Section, Bureau Central Militaire, Paris.

In response to the appeal contained in Corporal Morlac’s letter, the “Ouvroir Versaillais” has already made a generous donation of four “Paquets Versaillais,” and another package containing twenty flannel vests.
The articles have been forwarded to the men through the Herald.
Since the outbreak of the war the Association Internationale des Amities Franqaises has done good work in sending gifts to the troops of the Foreign Legion. Donations are received at the offices, 36 boulevard Haussmann.

Charles SWEENY, was promoted sous-lieutenant, the first American volunteer of 1914 to become an officer in the Legion. 
Jack CASEY, John Joseph “Jack” Casey (1878 – 1930)
Bert HALL.
James Stewart CARSTAIRS, of Philadelphia
William THAW (1893 – 1934) Was the first experienced American aviator to enter the French Army Aviation.  Jimmie Bach and Bert Hall left the Legion about the same time  as Thaw to learn to fly
Jimmie BACH.
Edward, MORLAC, could be MORLEA.

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