01-02-1915 2RM du 1RE, the unit stamp

On the first of februari a lettercover received the stamp:

TRESOR et POSTES 1 FEVR 15 *109*

The adres on the cover, which appears to have been written in great haste, using a pencil, is somewhat difficult to read:

Monsier X CH Val
r. du Castris
a Graulhet

Clearly visible on the front is also a unit stamp in red inkt, which reads

1er Régiment Etranger Bataillon B Le COMMANDANT

On the back we find the address of the sender.
Unfortunately his name became illegible due to the fact that the cover has a long crease at its location.
The rest of the address however is well readable.

2eme rég. de march du 1er etranger
Bat. B. 4eme Cie Secteur Post 109
Marne (front)

Intriguing is why, on the unit stamp on the front, only half of the name of the unit is mentioned ?
Especially since there were not more than for Regiment de Marche attached to the 1er Etrangere:

• 2e Regiment de Marche du 1er Etrangere (2e R.M./1er)

• 3e Regiment de Marche du 1er Etrangere (3e R.M./1er)

• 4e Regiment de Marche du 1er Etrangere (4e R.M./1er)

Secteur Postal 109

The secteur postal 109 seems to refer to the “Division Marocaine”

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