12 Mars 1919, Bou Denib, Postcard to a friend

On the 12th of March 1919 a légionnair of the 6em Comp. Groupe Hugon a Bou-Denib (Maroc orientales) wrote a postcard to a friend also a légionnair. He used a pen with red inkt, which most likely due to moisture, blurred some of the written text. A such the name of the sender is somewhat difficult to read, it could be Petay or Patay.
He adresses his friend a Monsieur. His name was Eugêne Schlieshahn, again the last name is difficult to read.
The rest of the adres clearly indicate his friend was also a légionnair. His Matricule was 21577 and he served with the 21em Comp. 1er Etranger 6em Bataillon. At that time he was stationed in Meknes.
Postage stamps indicate the postcard was posted on the 14th of March and arrived in Meknes 10 days later on the 24th of March.
There is also, partially a unit stamp visible “Mixte de M…. Hugon Le Commandant.
Légionnair Patay wrote:

Bou Denib 12 Mars 1919

Mon cher Ami excuse moi de avoir négliger se te écrir plus tart nous sommes toujours a Bou-Denib et nous somme retour a Tafilalet et prochainement ont ne faire fonction aux le Groupe Aubert de Taza.
En attendant nous reunis reçoi mes amites.


Eugêne Schlieshahn

Further research into the name of Eugêne Schlieshahn let to a naturalisation on 15 février 1924, France

Détails Eugène SCHLIESHAHN
Naissance Le 10 octobre 1887, Oedenburg
Numéro de décret : 1888-24
Sources : Journal Officiel

Further in the newspaper L’Écho du Nord of the 11th of March 1919 following announcement of an engagement was made:

The profession mentioned makes sense “soldat” but based on the postcard he was in Maroc at that time.

In. the same newspaper was on the 15th July 1937 announced that Eugene Schlieshahn had received the ” Croix du combattant volontaire”.

Earlier between 1901 and 1915 Eugene Schlieshahn registered as Eugeen Schlieshahn emigrated to Belgium, place of entry Antwerpen.

Event Type Immigration, Event Date 1901-1915, Event Place Antwerpen, Belgium
Birth Year 1887 Birthplace Oédenburg

The probability that these registrations and articles concern the legionnair Eugene Schlieshahn is considered high.

The front of the postcard

Potentially even for the time when it was published approx. 1908, the image on the front of the postcard is shocking and humiliating for the deceased shown.

34 Ensevelissement des cadavres marocains, tués aux combats de Beni-Ouzien et Bou Denib
J. Geiser, phot.-Alger
13 Mai 1908 [~]
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