3e Régiment Étranger d’Infanterie
On Sunday the 24th of march 1946, René Fernand FOLLOT, born on 07-01-1922, Essegney (Berne) Suisse,
wrote a letter to his mother Madame Gabriël FOLLOT.
He joined the French Foreign Legion end 1945, his Matricule au corps was 26542.
When he wrote the letter he was serving with the 3eme REI, 1er Battailon, 4e Compagnie.
His unit was in the field, camp de champagne par Aubagne, B du R (Bureau du Regiment).
The cover of the letter wears a stamp of the vaguemeste of the 1e Battailon du 3eme REI.
A little more than a year later Rene FOLLOT died on the 8th of april 1947 in Phu Dien (Tonkin).
He drowned in the red river, fleuve rouge, during a patrouille.
Franchise Militaire, a French arrangement allowing military away from home to send mail at a lower price than normal.